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Diabetes:A Morning Routine for Better Health

Diabetes is a condition that demands a lot of attention and mindfulness. Mismanagement of blood sugar levels, whether too high or too low, can be hazardous. Diabetic individuals often experience the “dawn phenomenon,” which is a sudden rise in blood sugar between 2 AM and 8 AM. Additionally, they may experience the “Somogyi effect,” where blood sugar levels spike in the morning due to insulin taken at night. To manage these effects, we need to be cautious about our morning routine and its impact. Let’s discuss how to approach this.

Morning Stretches in Bed

When you wake up, right in your bed itself, practice MORNING BED STRETCHES like Pranayama 4, also known as Diaphragmatic Breathing. This simple abdominal breathing technique will help you become more aware and increase the supply of blood and nutrients to your whole body, providing essential oxygen. You can also do stretches like YastikasanaPavanmuktasana, and Supta Vakrasana before getting up from bed.

Morning Amla Drink

After getting up, you should not keep your stomach empty for long. Whether you have high or low blood sugar, Amla is highly beneficial. Take a glass of warm water, add one teaspoon of Amla powder and a quarter teaspoon of haldi (turmeric) powder. Mix and drink it. This will help manage your blood glucose level not just in the morning but throughout the day.

Soaked Methi (Fenugreek) Seeds

Remember to soak one tablespoon of methi seeds in a little water and take them in the morning. You don’t even need to chew them; just gulp them down. This will help lower your blood sugar level and maintain the homeostasis of your body.

Morning Yoga Routine

After your morning drink, doing some good Asanas and Pranayama will work wonders for maintaining your health. Muscle movement increases blood flow throughout the body and improves glucose uptake by the muscles, naturally lowering high glucose levels. Include Asanas like Talasana 2Konasana 2 & 3PaschimottanasanaArdha MatsyendrasanaMatsyasanaBhujangasanaDhanurasanaViparita Karani, and Legs on the Wall in your routine.

In diabetes, circulation to the extremities is crucial. Your calf muscles act as a “second heart” by increasing circulation. Therefore, walking is essential. A diabetic person should walk for 45 minutes in the morning and another 30 minutes in the evening. The evening walk can be more relaxed, allowing you to connect with nature. Walking both morning and evening helps prevent the Somogyi effect, making it important to exercise at least twice a day.


For breakfast, remember that it should not include salad or anything high in calories. Morning breakfast should include a variety of rotis, parathas, upma, poha, or whatever is typical in your region. In the South, this might include idli, upma, or dosas. Stick to your usual diet and be mindful of your health.

Mindfulness is the Key

Be vigilant about the timing of your breakfast. It’s best to have breakfast within an hour of waking up. Delaying breakfast can cause your glucose levels to fluctuate, leading to problems. A Satvik breakfast, taken within an hour of waking, is a very good habit that should be followed strictly.

Diabetes is a disease that can be managed through these disciplines. Be aware, content, and flexible in your thinking. Follow these practices to prevent the aggravation of your diabetic condition and enjoy a healthier life.

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Final thoughts

Diabetes is a condition that can be properly controlled with self-control and awareness. You can preserve your health and help avoid issues by adhering to these easy morning rituals. To live effectively with diabetes, keep in mind that awareness, serenity, and adaptability in your approach are essential.

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